Before purchasing your home, consider whether it is built to withstand the local weather. If you aren’t sure if your house is built to withstand Florida’s climate, contact us to schedule your evaluation today.

Can Your Home Weather Florida's Storms?
Banyan Construction Group
Florida is a wonderful place to live, especially the Atlantic Coast of Palm Beach County. There is nothing that quite compares to living in a year-round summer with the salty sea breeze carrying your troubles away. However, Florida’s rich humidity, swampy wetlands, and adverse weather conditions pose particular challenges to homebuilders — or, homebuyers, rather. If price-point was the first consideration and it was coupled with shoddy workmanship, you could be headed for disaster before you even move in. Before purchasing your home, consider whether it is built to withstand the local weather. In today’s post, we’ll offer you some valuable insight from one of Palm Beach Garden’s local recommended general contractor and roofing companies.
Hurricane Season
While the national weather institute claims that hurricane season extends from June 1 through Halloween, local residents understand that just represents the majority, and some storms don’t pay attention to our calendars. While the panhandle takes the brunt of Florida hurricanes, the Atlantic coast is no stranger to the surges in thunderstorms and ocean waves that threaten to flood areas that rest below sea level. In the face of hurricane season, there are temporary things you can do to fortify your home against the threat of an incoming storm — boarding windows, stockpiling clean water, etc. However, the real protection is in the quality of the construction materials used during its erection.
Florida geology and terrain provide the perfect opportunity for sinkholes, and there is nothing more terrifying than the threat of the ground opening up and swallowing your home. Not many other terms evoke the same fear in homeowners as sinkholes. Let us help put your mind at ease by letting you know that sinkholes are not common in Palm Beach County and the terrain is assessed regularly. You can gain even greater peace of mind and protect your home with sinkhole insurance to protect your investment. Furthermore, at the first sign of structural shift, you can contact Banyan Construction Group for a thorough inspection.
Flooding and Water Damage
Many coastal Florida homes face the threat of flooding at some point, whether due to high rain levels or due to tropical storms/hurricanes in combination with poor soil absorption and being below sea-level. A solid foundation, effective drainage planes, and properly functioning roofs and gutters offer your home a fighting chance against both the evening sunshower and the torrential downpours that both occur regularly. While there is little you can do to prevent a flood, there is a lot you can do to thwart water damage and stunt the spread of other water dangers, including mold and wood rot. First, ensure that your home was built to withstand the humidity and moisture, and is properly sealed. If your neighborhood floods, any water enters your property, or if you notice any signs/symptoms of potential water damage from any source, schedule an inspection to determine the full extent of water damage to your structure and property.
Once a storm blows over, contact Banyan Construction Group even if there is no visible damage to conduct a storm damage inspection and plan repairs. We can even help navigate insurance claims and make the necessary repairs. If you aren’t sure if your house is built to withstand Florida’s climate, contact us to schedule your evaluation today.